A Triple Play - Rare But Possible!(By Victor R. Harris)

Utah’s AARP Driver Safety Program is trying to reach the major leagues by launching Operation Tripleplay this month. When October was designated as Driver Safety Month by the national office of AARP’s Driver Safety Program, the nation’s largest and oldest defensive driving course for those over 50, Utah decided to lead the way!
This rather unusual approach came about when the state coordinators were asked to come up with ways to expand the program. Because October also includes the World Series, Utah State Coordinator Ken Baldridge of Pleasant Grove, decided the triple play concept might be unusual enough to attract some attention, hoping that both Instructors and sponsors would be willing to step up to the plate and enjoy some great innings.
Baldridge hopes the publicity generated by the rather bizarre link between baseball and safe driving will alert drivers who are unaware that such a program even exists. “Also,” says Baldridge, “every driver— even those who have never had a crash or a ticket—can benefit from the course.”
To back up his claim, Baldridge has guaranteed he will personally return the $10 fee to anyone who feels he or she has not received value exceeding that amount. So far, claims Baldridge, no one has asked for a refund. With school now in session and days getting shorter the issue of traffic safety rises to a higher level.
Although more mature drivers generally have a pretty good at bat performance, an injury crash can be more devastating than it might be to a younger driver. “Crashes we might once have walked away from with only scratches and bruises can today put us in the hospital,” states Salt Lake District Coordinator Pat Brimmer.
The 8-hour class which has no exams or actual driving, teaches safety strategies and how to cope with the age-related challenges that creep into our lives, beginning usually, around the age of fifty.
Freeway driving, navigating left turns, roundabouts, new legislation dealing with highway safety and many other topics are also covered in the course. In addition to the information provided, graduates of the course are usually eligible for a discount on their automobile insurance.
“Insurance discounts is what biring most poeple into the program,” said Marie Nye, Associate State Coordinator. “However,” counters Baldridge, “by the time they finish the class, students usually agree with our contention that saving their lives is more important than saving their money!”
To locate a class nearby, call (888) 227-7669 (888-AARP-NOW)
For more information, call Baldridge at (801) 785- 0599,Marie Nye (801) 479- 1711 or Brimmer (801) 943- 4435.
OPERATION TRIPLE-PLAY1—EVERY VOLUNTEER DSP INSTRUCTOR in Utah will teach at least one class. 2—EVERY SPONSOR of classes in the past will offer a class during the month of October 3—EVERY DAY (excluding Sundays), an AARP Driver Safety class will be offered somewhere in Utah.
by Victor R. HarrisSimply Seniors News staffhttp://www.simplyseniorsnews.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Victor_R._Harris


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