Mortgage Loan Refinance [By Ahmad A Hassam]

Mortgage loan refinance can be beneficial but you need to understand the terms of the deal and be very careful when choosing a bank. Refinancing can save you money only if you make an informed and educated decision. Most people want to refinance a mortgage loan to get interest rates low. But most end up paying more money long term than they should otherwise. Don't simply walk into a bank and sign a mortgage refinance with a low interest. It may not result in saving in the long term. Banks won't tell you every aspect of a refinance deal. In case you are ignorant, you might end up with a wrong deal that you may regret for a long time.

Do You Need To Refinance?

The first question you need to ask," Do I need to refinance?" People go for refinancing when they think that their interest rate are too high and that they have too much debt. Banks will give you information on possible course of action. They will leave it on you to make your final decision. Banks don't lie but they also don't tell you everything. It may withhold some information. Banks love to let customers make bad decisions. Some banks simply want profit at the expense of their customers. So be vigilant! First you need to do your homework. You can easily find many mortgage calculators online. Learn how to use one. Do a sensitivity analysis by changing the various variables. Discuss each possible course of action with your financial advisor.

Don't Be Uninformed

Be informed about all aspects of your financial situation before you walk into the bank. Banks like to take advantage of the uninformed. Some banks want their customers to be uninformed because the uninformed customer poses no threat and can be easily manipulated. An uninformed individual may accept the banks offer simply because the interest rates are lower. However, some banks try to give lower interest rates for refinancing but let the consumer end up paying more over the life time of the loan. Be careful, banks can expose you as a borrower to greater risks than you had with your previous mortgage with a higher risk loan.

Understand The Agreement

It is your duty to read the fine print of the refinance terms offered by the bank. Go through every line of the agreement . You might find something that you don't like and they will have to change it. Ask questions. All aspects of the new loan have to be made available to you. You as the customer just have to seek it. Most people simply look over the terms of a new loan briefly, only looking at the interest rate. They then sign on the dotted line. Banks won't tell you but it is always a good idea to understand the loan more intricately than even the bank itself. Don't simply skim the terms of a loan because in the end you cannot blame the bank for signing an agreement that had everything written into it.

Get The Upper Hand

Bank as your financial advisor is obligated to offer information but sometimes will provide it in a cursory manner. So ask them to explain if you don't understand. Knowledge is the single most important thing to have when refinancing. If you know what to watch out for when refinancing and what banks have to tell you, then you will have the upper hand. Having the upper hand will allow you to refinance your mortgage loan in a way that is best for you financially.

More Articles On Mortgage Loan Refinance

Mr. Ahmad Hassam has done Masters in Public Policy from John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Visit his blog for more articles on mortgage, insurance, real estate, debt consolidation, credit, personal finance, internet marketing, dating, poker plus jokes at

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