Many things have to be considered, you should compare lenders, rates, costs, interest types, etc in order to make a well informed decision. Refinance Mortgage ExplainedWhen you decide to refinance a mortgage you’ll be canceling a previous loan with the money amount obtained from a second loan. Unless of course your motive is that you are not being able to meet the monthly payments you should make sure that the new loan has overall better conditions than the previous one. Refinance Advantages The first thing to consider is the interest rate. You may be able to obtain a refinance with a lower interest rate because market conditions have improved or because your credit and financial situation have improved. Either way, pay special attention to other costs as you may be paying as much in extra fees as what you can save by reduced interests. If your current mortgage interest rate is variable you may want to refinance your home loan and obtain a fixed interest rate, this will give your month...