04:Three to one

Review of Bourne Ultimatum
I must admit I'm a bit of a fan of the Bourne series. I honestly don't know why. I'm not the kind of person who typically likes ridiculous action with shaky cameras and loud orchestra drum soundtracks. But the writing and direction of the previous two Bourne movies really make them stand out.The Bourne Ultimatum is essentially more of the same. The same shaky cameras are taken to an even bigger extreme (I could swear I could see a few zooms in there...when is the last time you saw a zoom in a real Hollywood movie?). The big loud orchestra drum soundtracks are even louder and more intense.But those things aside there is something uniquely impressive about the Bourne Ultimatum, and that is the sense of tension and urgency. At no point does this tension seem forced by plot devices, but rather develops organically from the escalating series of events. For those of you who can't afford that many ten dollar words: The Bourne Ultimatum keeps you on the edge of your seat, but doesn't do anything stupid to make you fall out of it.One major improvement over the rest of the series is the level of competence of Bourne's adversaries. You really get the feeling that they are elite assassins out to kill Bourne, and not just a bunch of generic henchmen played by the same stunt man wearing a motorcycle helmet. Bourne is always one step ahead of them...but just barely.The movie lacks, however, in a meaningful overall plot. Bourne is out to discover his true identity, but at no point did I ever find myself caring. I just want to see him kick ass, and play cool tricks on the bad guys. When they actually get to the point about his true identity, I lost interest. It essentially didn't matter all that much, and if you've watched the first two movies his identity isn't all that much of a surprise.Normally, when a movie fails to make me care about its main plot point, I'd typically give it a pretty bad rating. But the Bourne Ultimatum is just plain fun. If you liked the first two, you'll definitely enjoy this one. Just don't expect it to break any new ground.

"Three to one" [01-04]


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