With credit card interest rates rising right through the roof, some homeowners may be wondering whether a home equity loan or line of credit ( HELOC ) is the way to get their debts under control. The answer is a definite maybe. While it's much harder to tap your home equity than it was in the past, it's not impossible. Yes, credit is much tighter in general these days, the decline in home values in recent years means that many homeowners no longer have any home equity to draw upon and banks are concerned about possible further declines in home values. But many homeowners still retain considerable equity in their homes, particularly those who don't live in states like Florida, Arizona, Nevada and California, which have borne the brunt of the housing market decline. Such homeowners continue to be attractive clients for lenders. And many homeowners retain untapped credit in their HELOC, which is still available for them to draw upon. Lower interest rates on a home equity lo...