The New Mortgage [By Jason Holter]
Thanks to Federal Regulators there is once again good and bad news. The bad news is more paperwork and tougher standards when applying for and ultimately purchasing your home. Creating tightened guidelines for stated income and piggy back loans and stricter rules for option arms and interest only is meant to create security for the lenders. Good news for home buyers? YES! Ever since the days of School House Rock we have known that "Knowledge is Power!" nothing has changed. If the borrower knows the rules, they can be prepared to meet the lending institution requirements and come out ahead or no worse for the wear. Here are the basic steps to survive and flourish under the new "Rules" 1. Be prepared to have payroll stubs and or tax returns available. Instead of using stated income, using actual income will ensure that you get the right size payment and decrease the chances of default later on. 2. Keep your credit report up to date. Check for errors in information. If...