Loan Officers - The Tale Of The Average Mortgage Loan Officer[By Andrew Poletto]

I once talked to a Loan Officer whose only goal was to close more loans. He had a plan he told me. He was going to send out postcards and mailers then follow up with phone calls asking the client if they wanted to refinance.
On top of that, he was planning on taking about 2 days a week and visit Realtor offices and drop off information for the Realtors. Not just rate sheets mind you, he was going to pass out flyers and a bio sheet telling everyone about him and what he can do for them. After all, it was a perfect fit, a Mortgage guy and a Realtor, they both need each other, right?
Then, he was going to buy a bunch of leads from a lead generation company and spend two nights a week calling folks from the list.
Does this sound like you? Do these activities sound like something you've ever done? Most Loan Officers and Mortgage Brokers do at least one of these activities to get their business started. Not only that, but the average Loan Officer continues to do these activities throughout his carreer.
Then you know what happens? The Average Loan Officer QUITS the business! That's right, he continues to do these same activities and when nothing changes in his business, he gets frustrated and quits the business. In a way it's good because with less Loan Officers and Mortgage Brokers brokers, the ones that stay around no have less competition. With less competition their is more business, that's the way of the mortgage business.
The bottom line is, to be average in this business means you'll quit. To NOT be average, you have to constantly be evolving your business to keep up with what's going on with the industry. Face it, whether you want it to or not, this business is ever changing. If you keep doing what you're doing without change, you'll just be average. No one is saying the activities mentioned above don't do what they're designed, but they change as well. Keep up with what's going on.
And now I would like to invite you to get "Mortgage Info With An Attitude" with Free weekly answers about the mortgage business in the Mortgage Mailbag. As a Bonus, you'll receive the Special Report "The 5 Biggest Myths about the Pay Option Arm and the Real Truth About Them". You can access this free service and the bonus at
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