I Have No Credit Scores, Can I Get A Mortgage?[By Mike Clover]

No Credit Scores, believe it or not it's very common. There are lots of people out there that don't have any credit. It is like a double edge sword, no credit could hurt you, but bad credit will definitely hurt you. Normally people that have no credit scores, fall into two categories.
1. Young and just starting out.2. I pay cash for everything.
Luckily there is hope for individuals that don't have credit scores and want to buy a home. There is a loan called FHA, which is a life saver for lots of happy homeowners. FHA is the single largest insurer of loans in the world. This particular loan is more lenient with banks, because it is insured by HUD. The qualifying process is less stringent. FHA does not require credit scores to get a mortgage. It offers an alternative in place of no scores. It will allow you to provide alternate lines of credit. Typically the underwriter will require 3 sources. The following would work.
1. Last 12 month payment history from any utility company.2. Day Care payment history for the last 12 months3. Letter from car insurance provider.4. Life insurance payment.
I have personally helped many families that had no credit scores get a mortgage. Here are some of the benefits of a FHA loan.
1. Low down payment2. No credit scores required3. Easy credit qualifying
FHA has been helping families since 1934, and its still is doing so. Even with all the changes going on in the mortgage industry, this particular loan is still the strongest provider of home ownership today. So if you don't have any credit scores, the answer is yes, you can get a mortgage. FHA typically requires 3% investment from the buyers, but it will allow you get a 3% gift from a blood relative or Bond money assistance from your local city. It will also allow the seller to pay 6% of your closing costs, so you can essentially get into a house with little or no money at all. Are you currently in a CH 13 bankruptcy? No problem, you can get a mortgage as long as you have been in the bankruptcy for a minimum of 12 months. The trustee is required to give written permission for you to purchase a home. There is no other loan program that has this type of guidelines. You can also get low interest rates with FHA, even though you have no scores, or low scores. I personally think its one of the best loans to help low income families into a mortgage. Do you have medical collections; well FHA does not require you to pay of medical collections, even recent ones. So I think you get the idea, it's a great loan for all types of situations.
About the Author: Mike Clover is the owner of http://www.my720fico.com/. My720fico.com is one of the most unique on-line resources for free credit score reports, Internet identity theft software, secure credit cards, and a BlOG with a wealth of personal credit information. The information within this website is written by professionals that know about credit, and what determines ones credit worthiness.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Clover


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