Bad Credit Score? Rewrite Your History! [By Jess Peterson ]
Your credit score is not as good as you would like to? Have you made bad moves with your finances? You can start changing your situation and also solve your economical trouble by following these tips. Where To Start? Find what you are doing wrong. You can not change your past actions, but you can always find what is that you are doing wrong nowadays and start working on it. Try to make a list of all your current expenses including your monthly budget, credit cards and any loan you may have. Then try to find out what is the most difficult bill to pay month by month and start working there. Credit Card Issues If your biggest problems are credit cards, take a few minutes to review your credit card's statements from the last six months. Make a list of which things are overcharging your credit card. Then divide those expenses into necessary and unnecessary, and try to leave this last group out of your plans from now on until your situation improves. Remember that any little thing counts...